
interface PushNotificationController : SupportPushNotificationController

Functions in this interface will only work if you add the plugin dependency: 'com.sensorberg.smartspaces:push' and initialize the plugin.

Please read Push Notification for more information of how to enable the plugin.


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abstract suspend fun registerFirebaseDeviceToken(token: String): Result<Unit>

Register the firebase device token.

abstract fun registerFirebaseDeviceToken(token: String, callback: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit): Cancelable
abstract fun registerFirebaseDeviceToken(token: String, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, callback: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit): Cancelable

Support function to register the push notification token.

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abstract fun registerFirebaseDeviceTokenLiveData(token: String): LiveData<Result<Unit>?>

Support function to register the push notification token.